Saturday, January 1, 2011


wt. 276.2

walked 40 min, 1.86 miles

OK, last year was a diet disaster. It was also a fitness disaster. While I could come of with some mighty fine excuses, that is all they would be, excuses. There is no excuse for my eating habits. I couldn't really control a lot of my injuries last year, but I could of, and should of controlled my eating. I didn't, and its over now. Today is a new day, and a new year to boot.

So I am choosing to look towards the future. My main health/fitness goal for the year, is to lose 100 lbs by next year. It is very doable, if I just stick with the plan. I still hope to someday run a marathon. Time will tell on that one. But right now I am just focusing on eating less, and walking more.