Monday, August 1, 2011

Back to RAW

wt 237.6 37.45 bodyfat

no walk

I havn't blogged for several days, so i need to give a quick review. Wed thru sun were spent eating great cooked food. The first 5 days, I was in St. Louis with the mrs., and we ate very well. Then sat and sun were home with all the offspring, celebrating the mrs. birthday. We had our first ever shrimp boil for lunch on sat, and it was fantastic. Then for supper, 2 of the offspring made chicken wings, and the other one and a friend made a great homemade cake. Sunday was homemade egg mcmuffins, and then lunh out. Supper was tons of leftovers.

I only gained 3.4 pounds through all that, which really surprised me. I had to buy a new scale yesterday, and you will notice i am now posting my % bodyfat too. I am sure it is not real accurate, but it will give an idea of it. I actually was looking forward to getting back to raw. I know it sounds wierd, but while eating the cooked food, I could stuff myself, and be full, but never really feel satisfied. When raw, I usually quit eating long before feeling stuffed, and usually felt satisfied. Thats not to say I didn't crave a cookie or something while raw, but not near like I did while eating cooked.

Todays breakfast was a smoothie made of several handfuls of spinach, a little cilantro, and a handfull of blueberries. I put that in the blender along with a large glass of water, and 8 or so ice cubes. I had half of that for breakfast, and the other half right when I got home. Around 3pm i started really craving my second glass. (weird). Lunch was a banana and a small bowl of mixed fruit. Dinner was the glass of greens, and about 1/4 of a honeydew melon. I hope to make enough spinach smoothie tomorrow to have some to take for lunch too.

I still am not walking, as my left foot just isn't getting any better. I may break down and go to the Dr. (YUCH).

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