Saturday, July 2, 2011

first 3 mile walk

wt 252.2

walked 65 min, 3.2 miles

The Mrs. and I had a lazy morning, at least it was for me. She made me another great smoothie, so hers may not of been so lazy. Then we drove 6 miles to a nearby trail, and walked. It was my first time to go 3 miles, and it wasn't at all hard. In fact, I am planning on doing it again tomorrow.

As for the weigh in, I wasn't surprised. I figured the salt would make me retain fluids. After our morning walk, we mowed the yard. She rode and I pushed. So that was a bit of a workout itself, especially with the heat and humidity. After that we showered, and left to visit my mom in the rehab. Then off to my nephews baseball game, then a neices birthday party, and then the grocery. We finally got home about 9:30. It was 95 degrees and very humid. we were outside most of the day, and it made for a long one.

My food for the day was my smoothie for breakfast, a big spicy dill pickle for lunch, and a few rasberries, cherries and a plum for supper, while driving home from the grocery. It had to be less than a 1400 calorie day. Once again I strayed, as my pickle wasn't raw. The label gave it twenty calories.

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